A new narrative on the mental realm that celebrates crazy and cool without penalty

About Jennifer

Born of Italian descent and raised in the city of New Rochelle, NY, Jennifer Gaita Siciliano started out in teaching and theater, then later moved into street fair face painting and became an award-winning bodypainter. In her quest to change the world’s view on mental illness, Jennifer shares an alternative narrative on the mental realm in her Not As Crazy As You Think Podcast. Embracing a more humane and spiritual philosophy regarding psychological distress, Jennifer celebrates the bipolar personality as the shaman and healer of the modern tribe.


Mental Health is attainable for anyone—especially those labeled with mental illness. Join artist, memoir writer, and bipolar psychiatric survivor, Jen Gaita Siciliano each Wednesday at 6pm, as she challenges our world's current limited understanding of mental illness in interviews with artists, healers, educators and shamans, who offer fresh perspectives on mental health and creativity. Episodes also include Jen's personal writing on living as a bipolar creative, as well as news commentary that exposes psychiatry as an incompatible paradigm with the true landscape of the human mind. If you are ready for a new narrative on the mental realm in a place that celebrates crazy and cool without penalty, then Not As Crazy As You Think is for you!

About the Book

In the style of magical realism, Not As Crazy As You Think is a memoir that tells the story of a free-spirited dreamer who in 1994 travels to India to see the Taj Mahal. Instead of receiving spiritual enlightenment, Jennifer contracts a life-threatening illness, and by the grace of a compassionate auto rickshaw driver, she arrives to her emergency flight back to New York on time. But in a sudden near-death-experience on the airplane, she realizes the mental realm is quantum and non-local. After falling into the hands of the psychiatric institution, however, who take over her life through forced drugging and involuntary hospitalizations, she realizes the only way to prove she is more than a genetic defect is to kill the Dead White Man Virus. With the help of her guides inside her shamanic journeys, Jennifer attacks with passion and satire the roots of these human evolution theories that call her bipolar “kind” unevolved. In her quest, what she finds not only proves her sanity, but also exposes a major missing link to systemic racism in America today.

Featured Article

The Bipolar Artist: A Lifelong Sentence to Bear

My experience in India in 1994 was psychologically and physically akin to a battle in war. After suffering an acute debilitating form of dysentery alone on the streets of New Delhi, on the emergency flight home to New York I had a Near Death Experience.

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Latest Blog Post

CRISPR, Germline Editing and Market-Based Eugenics (S2, E8)

Not As Crazy As You Think Podcast published on March 31, 2021. I want to share with you the following story because of my love of science, and also because I humbly respect human life in all its struggle and diversity. First off, there is natural science, and there is applied science. Science is really…

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